Team Assessment

Understanding where to improve comes first

Successful team functioning is an increasingly necessary requirement for corporate success. Using a variety of the most sophisticated team assessment measures, we provide ratings on team functioning, and help for teams to improve their performance.


When functioning well, teams can make a significant difference in an organization’s ability to execute its strategy and long-term success. Strong, flexible, and productive teams provide the competitive edge needed to lower cost, improve quality, produce results, and achieve other critical business objectives. Unfortunately, many teams and organizations do not perform at optimal levels. Too often there is untapped potential that can be realized once organizations have a window into the inner workings and overall health of their teams.

Step 1: Planning

We work closely with our clients to select or design and optimal team assessment and approach. We don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach. Assessments can be for an intact team or for multiple teams across an organization.

Step 2: Data Collection

Team Assessments are distributed to organization members and leaders to obtain feedback and insight about teams and how they operate on a day-to-day basis. We offer a variety of data collection methods and have an online tool to make the process simple and straightforward.

Step 3: Data Analysis

We prepare a data analysis in a report that displays behaviors, trends, and performance gaps. The analysis will help the team pinpoint: Existing strengths and leverage points to recognize and celebrate. Areas of vulnerability and weakness that are impacting the team’s ability to be effective, efficient, and inclusive.

Our highly skilled staff helps teams review and interpret the data and determine what changes are needed to become a high-performance team.

Step 4: Action Planning

Team Assessments should always drive change and action. Our assessments provide teams with the opportunity to build on existing strengths as well as areas for improvement. The goal is to help teams identify and solve problems rather than simply treating symptoms. We can also provide recommendations or facilitation and consulting services to support the action planning process.

We provide follow-up assessment after changes have been introduced to measure progress and results, if appropriate. each team receive relevant, reliable, and valid data. Our team assessments, training, and consulting services have been used in leading organizations around the world. We promote high-levels of team performance and satisfaction. Request Info Contact Us Events