Executive Team Building

Top management must be on the same team


Corporate team building for executives can take many different forms. Sporting events, wilderness retreats and hunting expeditions offer intense and demanding situations in which deep bonds of trust can be made among members of executive teams. Having fun and sharing in physical activity will help your team to communicate on levels sometimes impossible to access in the day-to-day functioning of often sterile office situations. Create a profound learning and team-building experience your team of executives will never forget.


Wilderness Retreats

We will head out to the woods for a week-long wilderness retreat as a powerful executive team building activity. Executing a satisfying wilderness trip requires sharp organization and management skills and can be a priceless experience for any executive team.  We take the time and attention to details to make your retreat perfect.  Your team may take off-road vehicles to remote wilderness locations for a week of rustic camping and teamwork activities such as managing food, water and shelter needs or take a wild bunch of outdoor enthusiast executives on a winter camping retreat to dig igloos and learn to survive comfortably against severe and difficult weather. If your facility has access to a large lake or the ocean, we can create  an outdoor team-building sailing trip.

Executive Team Sports

Take a sporting trip with your executive team. Bond with each other while navigating the best 18-hole course in your area, engage beach-loving executives with a beach volleyball game or tournament or organize a game of rugby or football for more rugged teams that don't mind getting rough and dirty. Or your team could consider rock climbing, martial arts training and mountaineering for more extreme trust and team-building sport options that create circumstances in which teamwork is vital to your success and survival. We will encourage team members to challenge and assist each other in improving performance in the chosen sport. Shared physical activity will help your team to bond more quickly and powerfully.

Executive Hunting Trip

Hunting with your team of executives is a powerful experience to share and from which to learn. Deeper aspects of everyone's personality will emerge while engaging together in the primal experience of hunting. To experience even more camaraderie during your hunting trip, prepare a luxurious camp or cabin setting and hire a guide to prepare the meat from the animals your team successfully hunts. Colorado has some of the best hunting in the entire world.  We can organize hunting for ducks, deer, elk, or even on safari in remote jungles and prairies of Africa or South America. We employ experienced guides and stay within the bounds of all hunting laws and regulations to ensure a successful and enjoyable team building experience.